This week is National Safety Stand-Down Week for Fall Prevention; FALLS ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN CONSTRUCTION. In 2021, 680 workers died, and in 2020 49,250 were injured due to falls from elevation. All of these deaths and injuries are preventable. These deaths are preventable. As one of CUST-O-FAB’s core values, SAFETY is always top of mind; we train our employees to always keep in mind the lives that will be affected by the safety of a job.
#TeamCUSTOFAB has put together some fall prevention safety tips for you and your team.
#StandDown4Safety #SafetyFirst #FallPrevention #BeAware #SafetyCulture #Safety #SafetyFirst #Refining #HomeSafe #BrothersKeeper #CountOnCUSTOFAB #SAFETY #QUALITY #SCHEDULE #VALUE #OnSiteServices #SpecialtyServices #FieldServices #Fabrication #SpecialtyWelding #CapitalProjects #Turnarounds #Maintenance #OilandGas #PowerGeneration #CUSTOFAB #50years #Since1972