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Occupational Hearing Loss
October is National Protect Your Hearing Month. Exposure to loud noise or certain chemicals at work can damage hearing. Occupational...

Fall Car & Driving Safety
Fall is in full swing, returning colorful foliage, sweater weather, football season, and pumpkin carving. With the season changing, so do...

Labor Day Weekend Safety
The first Monday in September is a time to celebrate the achievements of American workers. Labor Day marks the end of school vacation and...

Prevent Heat Stress
Record-breaking and dangerously high temperatures continue to sweep throughout the Midwest and Gulf Coast region. #TeamCUSTOFAB wants to...

Back to School Safety
It is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end and that kids are heading back to school. To ensure your child has a good...

Heat Equation
With record heat sweeping not only across much of the country but worldwide, it’s important to know what causes heat stress and how to...

4th of July Safety
As millions of Americans gear up for their big 4th of July celebrations… #TeamCUSTOFAB is here to remind you to celebrate responsibly &...

COF Safety Summit
#TeamCUSTOFAB held its annual Safety Summit at our headquarters in Tulsa, OK from June 28th through the 30th . The program is designed to...

Heat Stress
As summer warms up, we spend more time outside under the hot sun. Heat-related illness can be dangerous and even, in some cases,...

Memorial Day
Memorial Day Weekend is the official start of the summer season, and as the sun comes out, pools open, and barbecues fire up, it is...

Fall Prevention
This week is National Safety Stand-Down Week for Fall Prevention; FALLS ARE THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH IN CONSTRUCTION. In 2021, 680...

Tornado Safety
Tornadoes are more common in the United States than in any other country in the world. While tornadoes have been documented in every...

Distracted Driving
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. In 2020, distracted driving killed 3,142 people. This is a good time to evaluate your...

Seasonal Allergies
Spring is here, which brings the time of year when trees, plants, and flowers bloom, releasing pollen and other allergens into the air...

Office Worker Eye Safety
We usually think of work-related eye injuries as being isolated to outdoor jobs such as construction work. Ironically, working in an...

Industrial Eye Safety
March is Workplace Eye Health and Safety Month. 90% of all workplace eye injuries can be reduced in severity or avoided by using proper...
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